Cell phone account stolen and added a phone/line.

So i found myself with a large cell phone bill early December (larger than normal) i called bell.. luckily i dont subscribe to automatic payments.

After i called it was discovered that i had been a victim of fraud.

Apparently someone in Kitchener had walked into a bell store with my email address and had added a seperate phone to my plan and added the new apple phone to the plan as well...

I'm not sure how this is possible as i havent been near kitchener in 20 years, but there is also no way someone kmows my codes for bell/ could have known my security questions, 4 digit pin etc..

Long story short i talk to fraud... a self admitted older person who isnt good with technology tells me that it may take a while just pay my regular bill...i change my passwords, change everything he tells me to and then a month later i get an error stating my sim card isnt working.

I call Bell fraud again and lo and behold the lady says the first guy did nothing correctly.

I cant use my phone and this person im speaking with can barely speak english and it takes well over an hour to explain that i do not live in Kitchener and have not moved there or upgraded my phone......

So here i am in month 3 with a 200$ bill that im not going to pay but when does this end? Simply inept people working there?

How do you add a phone and line and change a contract without talking to the person who has the contract?

Fuck Bell.... im changing as soon as this gets resolved.

Sorry just a rant.. can't win dont try.