Midlife or not

I am a 52 year old with a nice family (wife and 2 daughters), good job, loving friends and have saved up quite a bit so no financial worries. Except for a few years, it seemed saving up was about the only goal for me. I postponed trips, buying stuff etc just to gather more-more-more-

Last few years I have seen friends or colleagues die, burnout, lost family to cancer and I am in a quite different mindset now. Instead of focusing on gathering I am now focusing on enjoying (without doing overly absurd stuff). If I want to do a four day city trip with the daughter. Yep I do it. Saw a nice motorcycle for sale, grab it. Want to book a cosy restaurant with the wife. Yep no second thoughts. Also got offered a promotion which would mean a lot less free time… no thanks.

Of course, living like this for about two years now have resulted in not being able to save more, even having to pull some money from savings to fund stuff.

Apart from just being more sensible, is this also a sign of midlife crisis? I really have a feeling at my age I better damn well enjoy life -now- even though (i hope) have a decade or three to go.
