How many books has Robert Evans compelled you to buy?

I've bought three so far and a fourth that was referenced in one of them. They are:

  • "The Anatomy of Fascism" - Robert O Paxton
  • "Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging" - Sebastian Junger
    • "Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism and Shame" - Christopher Boehm
  • "The Art of Not Being Governed" - James C. Scott

I also have a couple of books about the Habsburgs and "The Honourable Company" that he's mentioned but I already had them in my library*.

I'm pretty much trying to document and put together something about god complexes. Whether that's a book or podcasts/YT videos I am yet to establish. I'm going to see how my research material comes together before attempting to create anything but a book is looking quite likely. BtB is a great source of information and of course Anderson will get full inspiration credit.

*a haphazardly stored bunch of books on various shelves, random piles on numerous surfaces (tables, chairs, anything with enough space), and on digital media.