Don’t ever feel silly doing light weight in the gym
I’m a pretty buff dude, been going to the gym consistently for years and it shows. Like 9 months ago I fucked up my shoulder pretty bad bench pressing. I haven’t bench pressed since except maybe 3 months ago I tried just doing the bar and still felt pain in my shoulder.
I was content never benching pressing again in my life. I could still do other chest exercises so I figured I could just work around it, but today was the first day I was able to bench again and all I can do is 65 lb. Imagine how silly I look as a visibly strong person benching with 2 little 10 lb weights on either side of the bar 5x5 with my arms shaking a little on the last couple reps. I’m content with myself, it’s more than I could do a month ago
I didn’t notice anybody looking. Certainly nobody said anything. Nobody cares, just do what you gotta do