Enough of the “Kids Songs” Nonsense
Anyone else hear people call Yellow Submarine and Octopus’s Garden and others kids songs? I get why but it seems so dismissive of some pretty incredible songs. Its like saying oh that song is just for kids, you should have grown out of it by now. Funny enough the other song I can think of that gets the “kids song” label more than any others is With A Little Help From My Friends, another Ringo tune. I dont really think theres anything that makes these songs significantly more appropriate for children than most songs from the Beatles catalog, they just sound a little more simple and carelessly joyful than others, but it really irks me to hear them dismissed as just songs for children.
EDIT: A lot of people seem to think im disagreeing with the fact that these songs and others are ideal, appropriate, and in some cases aimed at children. My point is that ive heard too many people disregard these songs for that fact. That they shouldnt be considered greats with other mainstream pop and rock because its not as sophisticated. I think the opposite is true. I think the fact that the Beatles can make songs that kids would easily get and enjoy elevates them and speaks to their range.