[Announcement] BCJP 13.3 update!! ft. Epicfest true form and relic baron suffering
13.3 JP Summary
credits to the discord team :>
Misc Additions
Enemy guide has been updated, shows respective enemy traits and abilities.
Event enemies have been added as well, but have no description.
Misc Changes
UR rewards go to 22.4k
December Gauntlet: Zeal and Dark Santa are now on base hit.
Suffering Spring: Drop rewards changed.
Gacha Changes
- New Epicfest Legend Rare: Izanami
- New Easter Carnival Uber: Spring Kalisa
New Abilities
Metal Killer Deals a certain % of Metal Enemy's current HP as damage every time an attack is landed.
New Forms
Ultra Forms
- Kaguya (Similar to 1st form rather than 3rd form)
+78% HP, Metal killer for 12% HP (Compared to 1st form) Note: Still inherents talents from 3rd form.
Requires Yellow B. Gem x1, Red B. Stone x5, Purple B. Stone x5, Epic Catfruit x2
New Talents
- Ultra Talents
Mer-Queen Ruri: Dodge 20% 24->60f, Move Speed Up 1->10, Immune Freeze
- Regular Talents, All these units receive the standard atk/def talents
Gigavolta: Curse Immune, Slow Immune, Freeze Immune
E. Kubilan Pasalan: Slow 100% (Metal target) 39->120f, Wave Immune, Resist Surge 5->50%
New Cat Combos
- Blizana, Macho Crystal Cat: Accounting Power Up M
New Cat Units
- New Legend Rare : Izanami
Area attack, with 3 part multihit from 1-401, 400-625, 625-850, from 400 standing. Insane Damage vs Traitless, with Freeze, Surge, Curse Immune, and Summon. 20% chance to savage blow. Summons "740"
Summon 740: Attacks once with 800 range, Knockback All and Freeze for 75f, 45900 dmg at level 30
- New Uber Rare : Spring Kalisa
Kalisa variant with lower damage and range, Massive vs Zombies, Zombie Killer, Slow and Curse Immune
New Enemies
- Sage Dober
Black/Sage dober variant with 33% lv. 3 miniwave and guaranteed weaken to 25% for 60f.
- Large Earthenware Daihaniwan
Relic/Colossus with high hp, low damage, 350 range, guaranteed level 4 wave and curse for 90f, as well as a 30% chance to KB, Slow, Freeze and Weaken to 50% for 90f each.
- Mysterious Disaster
Floating with high HP, 250 standing with -800 to 800 omni. Guaranteed weaken to 50% for 240f and strengthens by 100% at 33% hp. Event enemy.
- Great King Wan Wan
Floating with 1000 range and 3-part multihit similar to CotC1 Cat God. Guaranteed freeze for 50f on all hits. Event enemy.
New Stages
New ZL 11
- 11-1: Sir Metal Seal, Croconator, Gabriel, Tarsiriel, Chickful A, Mr. Angel
- 11-2: Brollow, Dogenstein, Sage Dober, Celeboodle, Tarsiriel
- 11-3: Metal One Horn, Coffin Zoge, Metal Doge, Zackie Peng, Zapy, Golden R. Ost, Zang Roo
- 11-4: Sir Rel, Sinner Snache, Haniwanwan, Condemned Peng, Relic Bun-Bun, Aku Gory
- 11-5: Metal Cyclone, Mr. Puffington
11-6: Dogenstein, Mega Baa Baa, Raging Gory, Sage Dober, Tackey
New Relic Baron Stages: Large Earthenware Daihaniwan Strikes!!
1~10: Doge Dark, Dark Otta, Relic Doge, Large Earthenware Daihaniwan, Sir Rel, Maawth, Nimoy Bore
11~20: Large Earthenware Daihaniwan, Jackie Peng, Mooth, Golem Sunfish, Gabriel, Lutrinae Gokurakko, Sir Rel
Continuation Stages:
- Relic Doge, Haniwanwan, Loris
- Relic Doge, Sir Rel, Oldhorn, Othom
- Haniwanwan, Sir Rel, Mr. Puffington
New Enigma Maps:
- Old Instinct's Origin (Inferior): Relic Doge, Loris, Sir Rel
- Old Instinct's Apex (Normal): Relic Doge, Haniwanwan, Sir Rel, Oldhorn
- Old Instinct's Refuge (Superior): Relic Doge, Lowkey, Sir Rel, M. Ost, Haniwanwan
(Relic Orb drop rates are similar to Aku Orb stages) + Event & Gauntlet Maps