Just curious, what discontinued scent has you waiting for a comeback like


Here's mine.

  • Dancing Waters: This alongside both White Citrus and Country Apple are one of my favorite originals since middle school. And while White Citrus and Country Apple have made a return at least once so far, I'm still waiting for Dancing Waters to make a return. 😭
  • Rainkissed Leaves: I know this (along side some other oldies) came back about 2016-ish, but sadly I wasn't following BBW as heavily as I do now. Normally I wouldn't yearn for an old scent I have never had before, but my dad got these mini shampoo and conditioners from hotels (he's a truck driver) and one of them was this scent and I was absolutely in love!
  • Cotton Blossom: This one was an absolute classic. It was like the best cotton smell in my opinion. I know this was also brought back about 2016-ish, but alas, like Rainkissed Leaves, I missed that ship. I have tried Sea Island Shore (largely because I couldn't remember the name), but alas, I was not a fan of that one. 😔
  • Apple Blossom & Lavender: This one was absolutely AMAZING! I still to this day don't know why they discontinued this one, because it was heavenly. Sadly I used up the last of it months ago, but I can only hope BBW brings it back again one day.
  • Country Apple: Just an honorary mention because while I know they did bring it back recently (like a year or two ago), I only bought one and I could kick myself because I only have half of it left. 💀 This scent is also one of my top favorites, but I have always been a lover of apple scents.