Fuck football, fuck 13 hours, fuck drunk dumbasses. I'm out

Title explains it all. I think I've hit my critical mass for bullshit and it only took 2.5 years of constant bombardment with an extra 3 years prior at my last job. These last couple months have really tested my patience and capacity to handle things. And now with football season starting and my job being so close to a stadium, along with it being a hotel that makes its employees wear too many hats, I'm out. I'm done, I don't want to continually work 13 hour days with people who don't get any hints whatsoever, no help to be had and management that's always absent. In the beginning this place wasn't so bad, but as time went on, it became clear why no awards have been won in the last 6 years. As Dragonforce once said, I've felt the pain of a lifetime lost in 1000 days.

Now go ahead, downvote me, call me weak, tell me I shouldn't have been in this industry to begin with. I've heard it all. I'm changing up and actually getting a job that won't make me want to punch faces every 5 minutes. Later