Do you agree that basically almost every episode follows this formula ?

1) we get introduced to a failing bar with the owner being down the hole a couple of thousands of dollars at least 2) Taffer and this team investigate incognito form the SUV, taffer sends one of his experts to act as a customer . We see the kitchen being disgusting, cook is cross contaminating and not wearing gloves . Bartender is over pouring costing the owners millions.

3) Taffer propels himself out of his SUV as he’s seen enough and confronts the owner and sometime staff, including the cooks who are going to either kill somebody or make them sick and shuts down the bar for the night

4) Taffer shows the owner how much is he losing using Partender and how they need to implement a POS system

5) Stress test “Who here doesn’t have a drink yet”

6)They overturn the bar , Taffer is much more calm and explains the owner how the got off on the wrong foot after he finally “rescues” the bar