Does anyone think its hilarious when people try to make fun of you for having a shaved head?
I'm confident in my look but I have had some random young people talk shit and say I have no hair or you're bald. Granted they're young and looks mean everything to them but I find it hilarious when they try to shame me or like something is wrong. In my head I'm like you don't even look that great yourself even with hair! Your face is ugly as hell, one of your friend is fat, and the other guy dress like a fake ass gangster.
Haha I'm not a mean guy but if you're calling out my flaws I'm putting it back on you. I understand bald isn't the norm but all these people judging I know they'll be the first to start freaking out if they started balding. I'm not even balding, I chose to be bald and proudly so.