I buzzed it but would like to hear you opinions

I shaved my head at 2mm a few weeks ago. Suprisingly to me i got a lot of positive feedback. This made me quite happy and gave me confidence. Also i feel like big baggage fell of my shoulders, as if im not hiding anything. I realized im a lot more present when talking to people and dont worry about how my hair looks. All positive effects. But i still know i had quite full hair it was only the hairline that was receding. Also im giving off a completly diffrent impression to people in comparison to with my hair. I really liked the color black and often times was dressed all black. I cant to that now anymore without scaring some grandmas or the nazi issues (im in germany) so i dont know how i feel about that. Im just not sure if i should maybe let it grow out again and enjoy it while still having it, or just keep it short from now on. Whats you opinion peeps?