I despise this girl. Like I literally hate every single thing that she does.
Here's a list of what this bitch does:
She leaves food residue everywhere, like a toddler ate with their hands and started touching everything in the kitchen.
She will make spills and literally just walk away and leave it there.
I have 3 cats. You would think if it smelled like ANYTHING it would smell like pets right? No. I have asked every single guest who enters, what does it smell like? They say it smells like literal garbage. Wanna know why? She will let her trash can fill up to the brim and not take it out for literal WEEKS.
She keeps touching and moving my shit. THIS is something that GENUINELY enrages me and I've told her multiple times not to do. Get your dirty ass food covered hands OFF my things. I know for a fact if she uses my things because it WILL ALWAYS BE COVERED IN FOOD RESIDUE.
She only ever cleans if she has company, which is like once a month.
Another thing that absolutely enrages me is she will literally set up shop to cook right next to me while I'm cooking. Like out of all the 24 hours in a day, she will literally start chopping her onions directly next to me while I'm cooking. I will be using the first two stove eyes and she will set up shop on the two eyes in the back. No fucking joke. And start cooking. Like you really can not wait?
Leaves dirty panties and used pads on the bathroom door.
Has left bloody pads on the floor in the bathroom.
Her hair is literally everywhere.
She ALWAYS leaves the door unlocked. She's done this once where she didn't even close the door all the way and my cat got out. Luckily it's in a apartment building and my baby couldn't go far, just upstairs. But I was PISSED.
She leaves tissue everywhere that she blew her nose in.
Before I started only buying toilet paper for myself, we used to just buy rolls for the house and share. Wanna know why that stopped? Because She used AN ENTIRE 12 PACK OF TOLIET PAPER IN ONE WEEK. 7 DAYS.
She seriously does not know how to clean. If my cats puked and I'm working a 8 hour shift and she's home (she works from home btw) she will put a piece of tissue on it. Yes. To "let it soak" then send me a long ass message that I need to make sure it doesn't stain. It will literally be something that isn't liquid, and she still says it "needs to soak" How slow can you be???? Like no, if it stains it stains. If you let it sit there for over 10 hours (because I run errands and go to the gym after work) Then it's gonna stain after I clean it. I also told her to STOP USING TOLIET PAPER TO "SOAK" LIQUID SPILLS. You are wasting toilet paper. One time one of my cats had a hair ball and I was picking it up with the paper towels I BOUGHT, and she says "I thought you said don't use that, why aren't you using a mop" WHY WOULD I USE A MOP TO CLEAN UP A HAIRBALL BRUH PLEAAASEEEEE!!!!
I hate her with all my heart and soul. Every time I hear her walking, closing her door, moving pots and pans around in the kitchen I get enraged. I'm at the point of where if she cooks next to me or touches my things I have to step away and give a pep talk to myself as to why I shouldn't beat her down right there. My lease isn't up until June but I literally just can't be here anymore. I'm leaving in the beginning of April and will just stop by every so often until the lease is up to make sure she doesn't let any of her friends crash in my room while the lease is still has my name on it. My mental health can not take this, I'm tired of coming home angry.