
I don’t need advice but need to rant. My roommate is vey frustrating to live with. I hardly use the kitchen anymore because she treats it soo disgusting. Every time I do use the kitchen, I wipe all surfaces with a disinfecting wipe. The reason I do this is because one time I saw her handle raw chicken with her hands and then she went and opened the kitchen fridge right after without washing her hands. If she does wash her hands, she just rinses her hands under water very quickly. She also doesn’t wash her hands after she uses the bathroom. I can hear her “wash her hands” while simultaneously turning off the light and opening the door? 🤦🏽‍♀️ it’s disgusting.

She always leaves her dishes in the sink after making dinner with food left in the sink. So then it dries to the bottom of the sink and she won’t clean it up.

She doesn’t clean the counters after she spills something.

She opens the dishwasher with dirty hands so there’s residue all over the dishwasher.

I’ve addressed things with her several times but finally accepted she doesn’t care or isn’t listening so it’s not worth the conversations anymore for me. I just don’t understand how people can be so gross and she wonders why she gets sick all the time because she’s not clean.