Looking for similar stories. PPROM/Abruption?

Lost my boy at 16 weeks in September. Friday 9/6/24 I woke up to spotting went to the doctor they did ultrasound and saw a “placental lake” told me to rest and all was well. Soon as I got home I developed a fever and felt very ill. Flu like. Next day I continues having mucusy / discharge no longer spotting just a lot of mucus. Woke up Sunday 9/8 and was cramping went to tell my husband we need to go to ER felt a “pop” and started to bleed heavily. Went to ER and they couldn’t exam my cervix due to the blood but saw baby and all was well. Diagnoses as threatened miscarriage. Sent me home and within an hour I lost my boy at home. Went back to hospital and they kept me over night due to blood loss. Fast forward to today, I finally get to see the MFM and she said I had chorioamnitotis but that was common for these situations, in her opinion I had a placental abruption/PPROM. Hard to tell what came first. She didn’t think I would need a cerclage in subsequent pregnancies. I am worried about reoccurrence and what my future pregnancies may look like. Please share any and all stories with me and what to expect. The abruption part of this has me scared and lost.