Awakening journey caught up in ex/breakup

Hello there—

Long story short, I am struggling in my awakening journey because it is intrinsically linked to my ex-gf and the pain of my breakup with her after a 1.5 year relationship.

To explain, I started dating my ex a couple years back, and at that time, I was already starting to deconstruct from a very rigid, dogmatic American Christian upbringing. I knew I had to move on from organized religion, but I wasn't sure what I was looking for, exactly. It turned out that this girl I was dating was already very far along in her journey of awakening, had experience in perceiving 5D, regular conversing with astral entities, spirit guides, etc. She slowly introduced me to this world, taught me how to meditate, and thus, was the catalyst of my spiritual journey.

But, we entered a long-distance period of the relationship, and I did not take it well. I was anxiously-attached, immature, and still not very far along on my path to waking up. I was clingy, overly emotional, and often egocentric and combative. Obviously, she was not perfect and had her roles to play as well, but I can only take responsibility for the ways I was not a very good partner. She eventually dumped me over Christmas, saying that I couldn't be allowed to bring down her vibration and impede her spiritual growth. She even went as so far as to block me on any and all communication channels.

I know that this is something I must accept and grow from—That I am meant to go through this suffering on my path to awakening. But it is difficult to accept what I have lost. I loved her very deeply, and I wish I had matured both spiritually and emotionally sooner so that growth didn't have to come at the cost of my relationship with her.

Eckhart Tolle often talks about how there is no "past you." There is only a past reflection of the unconscious state, and all that matters is being present in the eternal now. I recognize this to be true. But I often find myself thinking, when I close my eyes and focus on the present moment, that I wish I could share this "now" with her. The small moments that make life beautiful, I wish she was there too.

I know that if I forever rely on her (or anyone else) for my inner peace and joy, I will never have it, because those attachments are fleeting and riddled with complexities. But I also can't deny or suppress the light and warmth her presence brought into my life when she was here.

Also, because she was the one who started me down this path, she is, in a sense "wrapped up" in it...It's like how you feel bad going to the restaurant where you went on your first date, so you avoid going there. Or you might throw a certain coffee mug out because it makes you think of them. You try to do things be places that *don't* make you think of them, right? Well unfortunately for me, she was so central to the start of this journey for me, that often, me doing anything that has to do with spiritual development whether that be mediating, practicing presence of mind, reading an author like Tolle or Watts—It all calls her to mind. It's kind of ironic, I know.

I am sure there is a meaningful lesson that the Universe is trying to teach me in all this, but it is very difficult and painful. I wonder if anyone else can relate.