I wish I cared about wealth.
Everyday, I see people either concerned about trying to get money, getting rich, talking about all the cool things they bought, and I always feel apathy, or slight annoyance at most. Im what you would consider working class, and have been most of my life.
Before awakening or any kind of spiritual process I had dreams of a home, kids, wife, typical American dream. But now I just dont care. I make around 2200 a month before taxes, and more happy than I was making 96k a year as a software developer. I remember I didnt care about the money, I just ate out and slept all the time, because I could. Nothing about the rich lifestyle attracts me. Im mostly isolated and wouldnt have anyone to share it with anyways. Am I gonna build myself a mansion, and have 15 empty rooms? I really find the greatest joy in just moving around and being alive. And I wouldnt even have posted this if America didnt punish poverty or low income people as a whole.housing is not a right, but if you dont have it, its a crime in most states. Healthcare isnt free so gotta buy healthy food which aint cheap. People look down on you for not fighting for more. My parents think Im a burnout with no aspirations so they stopped talking to me. Cant even partcipate in social circles without money these days, which is why Im alone. Id probably stay alone though cause its nicer. Im okay with that but people are entertaining. It seems as if everyone is fighting for external freedom, but not internal freedom.
Im just at total peace and society wants to convince me otherwise, and project their own fears and insecurities. Thats the hardest part about being poor. People look at you as if there is a deficit in your character. So I spend more time in my own world, and its quite calm.
Can anyone relate, or experienced this? I dont know if spiritual awakening lead to this, or if I just became more in tune with my desires. Is there a country or place in the world where living a simple life is acceptable?
EDIT: why I very rarely post in here, its infiltrated by kids with no real wisdom. Before displaying your room temperature IQ for the world to see, critically read and consider what I say. I know you can do it! I believe in you. Reading comprehension doesnt come easy.