Yatzli disappointed me so much after Naku Kebel

Spoilers for the ending of Shatterscarp ahead.

After that moral dilemma at the gates of Naku Kebel, I sided with Lödwynn to destroy the Ruins to save the people of Thirdborn and buy me more time to eradicate the Dreamscourge before all of them turn into Dreamthralls. This is after sabotaging everything the Steel Garrote did up until this point and saving the people of Fior, so it was pretty hard to side with Lödwynn here.

Then this pink furry little shit has the gall to step up to me and scold me like a little kid, because I decided to save people and give them at least a sliver of hope instead of sacrificing them and taking that choice away from them. I do not think that Ryngrim's choice is the right one at all since the sacrifice of so many people does not even yield a satisfactory ending. A lot of people of Thirdborn die immediately and the rest are left to fight off the rest of the Dreamthralls and they are cut off from the Adra as well which is at least a very important ressource in the living lands. But this isn't even the main point I am trying to discuss here, it's the complete lack of backbone the Envoy has to stand up to this dollar store guinea pig.

The most infuriating thing is though, that you can't even stand your ground against her since your only options are literally:

  1. "I poured salt on an open wound. I'm sorry."
  2. "I understand. I'm sorry you're upset."
  3. We've all been through a lot since this journey began. Don't worry about it.

I'm sorry but isn't this just 3 different ways of saying the same thing? Where is the "Shut up and sit down. Piss off to your Ryngrim if you doubt my decisions so much" Decision? Or the "I am sorry you feel that way. I stand by my decision though." Decision? Or the "The Thirdborners deserve a fighting chance." Option?
I don't want to excuse myself to this insensible little goblin.