
Hey guys,

I’m currently studying Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, and I’ll be honest—I’m feeling kinda scared about the future. This field seems great, but I keep wondering if I’ll actually make it or if it’s worth it in the long run.

I have a bunch of questions, and I’d really appreciate hearing from people who’ve been through this:

  1. Jobs after school: Once you’re done with the two years of studying, apprenticeship, and get your license, do the job offers actually come through? Is it hard to find something good?

  2. M1 vs. M2: Should I aim for M1 or M2? Who generally earns more or has better opportunities?

  3. Helicopters: Is specializing in helicopters a good move, or should I stick to fixed-wing aircraft?

  4. Night shifts: Do you actually get paid more if you work night shifts in this industry?

  5. Can I make it?: Sometimes I feel like this might be too much for me. Is it normal to feel this way? How did you guys push through?

I’m just trying to figure out if I’m on the right path here and could use some advice or motivation. Thanks for any insights you can share—it really means a lot!