What started your rave journey?
I’m curious to know what got others into raving!
For me it was when I saw the music video for No Good (Start the Dance) by The Prodigy. I was a kid when I saw it but it immediately entranced me and the style of music hit something in my brain that nothing else ever has. I started looking for more and more artists and have found so many that I love since. I eventually figured out that raves were a real thing I could go to and since then my goal had been to go to as many raves and festivals as I can!
It took a long time for me to actually go to my first rave, which was October of last year only and I’ve been going to at least one a month since! I also have planned to go to my first festival in June and I’m so thrilled. The rave community in my province is so much more than what I expected and I’ve met so many great people, been on guest lists, and had so many great experiences.