Recently purchased vacuglide and had a question
Recently purchased the vacuglide and tested out the sleeves and settings. I also ordered the vacuglide stroke saver and started messing around with that too. I did notice, especially with the stroke saver on, that the suction potential could be a lot with the right settings.
My question is, could you use the vacuglide as a pens pump? I kind of remember in one of the videos on the site of them saying that it was a mix of a penis pump and stroker, so maybe that's where I got the idea from when I felt it? I'm not sure, I figured I'd ask and see if anyone has tried and got results over time or if it would be considered safe to try?
I guess while I'm here, I might as well ask my other intrusive thought that I had. I think I got this idea from the manual where it said to not take into the shower, obviously not doing that. And on the fap lube, it says to either reapply or add water. It made me think, what if you were to add some water to the inside? Not a lot, but some into the sleeve, could it potentially change the sensations it gives and maybe reduce the need to add more lube?