So my mom might be autistic

I was telling my mom how I used to cry when I would throw fits while wearing cute animal shirts because I thought the shirts were sad to be on a sad kid rather than a happy kid. And this is how the convo ended up going.

mom: yeah you sort of anthropomorphize things a lot. But I do that too- especially when I was younger.

Me: yeah apparently it’s an autism thing…

Mom: I don’t have autism tho… wait…

Me: wait a second…

Both of us: OH MY GOD!

I always blamed my dad for my autism bc his entire family has autism but I never expected my mom until today. Then we like genuinely started analyzing her life and realized that holy crap my mom is probably also autistic.

It was a really jarring moment. But also very funny because of how silly it felt in retrospect to have never realized it before. Oh well 😅🫣