everyone keeps eating my fucking food.

i cant fucking eat that many foods. i buy genuinely almost all of my own food, and my family keeps fucking eating it. literally as i was wrapping up some bagels to freeze them, my mam grabbed one. i fucking HIDE FOOD IN MY ROOM JUST SO IT DOESNT GET FUCKING EATEN.

i dont even know if i have a right to be fucking mad about this cuz i live with my parents and dont have a job and im almost 19 (granted neither of these are by choice, they made me stay home), BUT COME THE FUCK ON. I CANT EAT THAT MUCH. I DONT HAVE A JOB AND IM STILL BUYING MOST OF MY OWN FOOD. WHEN WILL THEY STOP FUCKING STEALING IT.

im actually gonna fucking cry. my mam never stops talking about how i need to eat enough telling me to eat then she and my dad just STEAL MY FUCKING FOOD

edit: my parents didnt make me stay unemployed, they made me stay home from uni this year. im unemployed cuz im disabled/cant drive/have no real work history. so getting jobs with those factors combined is difficult.

also i will be getting a mini fridge.