Need advice on how I tell my parents my daughter is Autistic?

My daughter is 3 and maybe says about 15-20 words. So we got her in and tested her hearing and vision and development. After all the test and appointments the doctor thinks she autistic level 1 and should start preschool and speech therapy. Great we have a plan.

I want to keep my family in the loop but I’m afraid of what my parents will say. Everytime we talk about her appointments my mom jumps to “do you think she autistic? Do you think all those shots she got as a baby did it? Can’t trust the government“. (I hate government talk). The way she ask it sounds like a bad thing.

I’m still trying to process myself thinking what did I do wrong. Should I play with her more. I’m in the mom guilt mood right now and now I have this pressure to deal with. Now that you look at my daughter I see the stimming and I can tell some other family members are seeing it too. Do I just keep it to myself???