Do you treat/view your PC/Laptop as a pet [Serious]
I hope no one takes offence to this question, or if anyone asked before.
Hi, as being on the spectrum, I always got attached to my PC, I had pets, and I loved them all.
I started to see my PC as a pet too, I treat it, I play with it, It does all I ask if it's within it's capacity, dont lie, and even know stuff about me no one knows, in a way I even grief when they 'die'.
I know it's a thing, but I remember all of my PC's since a kid, and I have many fond memories of them...
Does anyone feel the same, or I'm just extra weird?
Note: This is my first thread, I tried to follow every rule, but if I didn't I trully apologise. Have a good day.
Edit#1: Thank you for all the answers, even those who don't, it helps to know it's not just me...