Does anyone else hate this?

I don’t know if I’m the only one, but here are four things I hate.

  1. Talking in the car.

Something about the motion and the constant sounds just overwhelm me. Talking is already really bad, but I can’t handle 5 minutes of it in the car without panicking.

  1. Putting on a shirt when my hair is wet.

I always dry my hair then wait a few minutes after I shower. I just really hate the feeling of wet being dragged down my neck.

  1. Wearing clothes fresh from the dryer.

A lot of people love this, and I genuinely don’t understand why. I just get surrounded by warmth and feel trapped, even if I actively move around.

  1. Not wiping my feet before I sit or lay on the couch or go to sleep.

Ok, this is a really weird one, and I’m fairly confident not more than maybe two of you agree. I do t even know why this started, but it did.