There needs to be a change to stop the youth crime epidemic

At the moment the benefits of being an "eshay" far outweighs the negatives, by a lot they get: status, power, notoriety, girls, money, tight nit bond with there friend groups from doing very bonding activities together (drugs, stealing cars, robbing) feeling apart of a tribe, doing what they want when they want to, caring less of what other people think of them and social norms, go getter mentality, all glorified through the most popular genre of music, rap.

And there’s barely any detriment even if they do go to juvie it’s not for long and it’s just another thing for them to brag about. Honestly as a kid growing up in Australia you would be kind of stupid not too in the ages of 13-17.

I don’t pretend to know the answer to this problem but it’s creating a generation more and more disdanced from there parents and other people in general. There needs to be another outlet that can satisfy some of these needs or an increase in repurcussions that doesn’t necessarily mean jail time.