Slater and Gordon

Does anyone have the inside gossip here? I missed the AFR article before they took it down.

For those out of the loop, the head of HR was pushed too far and sent out a company wide email with all staff’s payroll and they had added in what the CEO had said about each staff member. Things like “doesn’t like this person” “thinks this person talks too much is full of themselves” ect.

I am absolutely here to know more so please share anything you know.

Edit: Part of email below.

It was great of you to come in for the values launch this week! What a lovely surprise for everyone, as we weren't advised that you would be in attendance.  As promised when we met the week before last, I’m sending you the handover I wish I had before I arrived. As you know, I am finishing up this week. I had reached out to the previous CPO on LinkedIn before I started—no response. Once I was briefed on the situation, I understood why. I assume Dina has already filled you in on the ongoing legal case. To be blunt, the situation at Slater and Gordon is a textbook case of dysfunction. I sincerely hope you can make a difference, though given you’ll be the fifth person in this role in five years, I wouldn’t hold my breath. The entrenched negativity towards HR is alive and well. When I joined, I was led to believe the role would be mine permanently, should I wish it. However, Dina—who deserves an Oscar for her emotional performance when breaking the news—shared that the Board opted for you due to my ‘high salary expectations.’ In reality, I simply know my worth and wasn’t about to invest my own money into this circus via the MEP. No doubt that played a role in their decision. I can see you’ve been quite taken by Dina. I get it—I was too. She plays the sweet, emotional, underdog-made-good act exceptionally well. But let me be absolutely clear: do not trust her. It’s all a calculated performance. Dina’s primary focus is her own bottom line. She’s determined to maximise her bonus and is laser-focused on keeping salaries locked down. She’s openly admitted her grand plan is to cash out with the MEP and retire with millions in a few years. The way she manipulated the EA agreement through—working both sides with the union and squeezing every cent out of the lowest-paid workers—is a masterclass in self-interest. Big 4 tactics in what is meant to be a labour law firm. Even Key Community, the consultants handling the transformation and values, have warned that the business is drifting too far from its roots. She won’t listen. If you’re lucky, you’ll get an invite to an ELT dinner at Dina’s mansion—complete with its own website, private chef, and an air of desperate excess. Last time, it was a tedious affair that fizzled by 8:30 PM. No one could leave fast enough. But hey, maybe you’ll enjoy it.