Loosing my mind - HelloDoc!?
"Question" Has anybody gone through HelloDoc?
I have just gone to these guys for suspected ADHD and now feel like I am loosing my mind. As somebody who has always struggled from a child - I finally decided to get my shiz together to go and see if I could get some help. My inability to focus has taken a massive dive and my business is struggling because of it so I try and get an appointment with a local Psyc - with a 12 month waiting list - so then go to HelloDoc. After $1700, 2 appointments and a heap of tests that sat me in the 70% range with ADHD attributes (severe apparently IDFK), he talks to my husband "for 5 minutes" who has NO CLUE on ADHD and says "based on what your husband is saying, you don't have ADHD! " The frustration and tears are real and I'm furious - broken.