Smart Compliance Management - Has anyone else had any issues with receiving correspondence from them?

Hi, I know this scum of an organisation has been discussed before on this thread, but I had an instance where I received a fine (which had gone to a debt collector) and paid just to get out of the hassle, vowing to never park there again. However, a few weeks later, I got a call saying I had multiple fines going back six months. Now, this is a lot of money, and I don't know how I'm going to pay it. The main issue is that I never received any correspondence for any of the fines other than the one I paid. I tried explaining that once I knew I couldn't park there, I stopped, but I never knew until I got that letter earlier this year.

They basically implied I was lying, which doesn't make sense. Why would I ignore 10 notices and then open the 11th? Or that NZ Post is messing up (which I doubt).

Times are tough, and I recently lost my job, so this is not great. I completely accept that I overstayed the parking. Basically, I thought that because most of the shops (except a Dairy) close around 5 pm, I could use the empty parking space in the shopping plaza to shoot hoops in the basketball court adjacent. Turns out, no, but had I been told the first time, I would have stopped, not let these fines accumulate. The worst part was when I rang the collections person, they made me sound like I had committed a murder. I don't know what the world has come to; is living a crime these days.