Oversharing with friends as an AP

Hello everyone,

During a rough patch with my DA gf, she mentioned that she gets a bjt overwhelmed that I reach out to many friends because,

  1. She feels our relationship is aired.
  2. She thinks I might be influenced by someone who knows only half.
  3. She feels pressured by my friends having a wrong idea of her.

I completely understand this. I myself even feel guilt that I might be oversharing and airing my relationship when I talk to a friend.

The thing is, when I’m in an anxious spiral - I feel the big need to talk to a friend. It helps me land my irrational thoughts.

My vents are never about her; they are about how I’m feeling and my anxieties. I always preface them with the fact that I know they’re irrational.

My friends responses have always been positive.

Ever since she mentioned it, I have being doing it waaaay less almost no more: its helped me force myself to soothe on my own - and I dont even feel the need now.

However I feel like my gf may no longer trust me on this? (Ik this might be the anxiety talking), and that I need to explain myself to her.

So fellow AP, how do you deal with the anxiety over oversharing? Or DAs, what are your insights on this?