Anyone heard of Pastafarianism of god Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was a religion to show off to abrahamic religions their foolery and blindness. But the problem is it is too abrahamic focused- So I am going to create a mock religion for our India's pagan religion.
Some additional elements I have in mind is:
We will do mock fights and mob lynchs of these two new religions and supposedly fight while ignoring important things- just like hindus and muslims fight
will be incorporating new things like this religion will have a 'holy day' in the week where we abuse our gods- because it didn't stopped rapes of little girl. This is to show the epicurean paradox. I have much more plans to add more philosophical and scientific connundrums of religion.
HELP: I need help in processing texts. There is so much text to read. Ofcourse i can use AI but I want people who were raised hindu and later became atheist/human, because they know first hand what it is like, so there will be more creative ideas.
If you are interested DM me. Let's get in with this. I am a comedian and satirist and graphic designer. Hoping to leverage all of your skills too to cut iron with iron- or spaghetti
Anyone heard of Pastafarianism of god Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was a religion to show off to abrahamic religions their foolery and blindness. But the problem is it is too abrahamic focused- So I am going to create a mock religion for our India's pagan religion.
Some additional elements I have in mind is:
We will do mock fights and mob lynchs of these two new religions and supposedly fight while ignoring important things- just like hindus and muslims fight
will be incorporating new things like this religion will have a 'holy day' in the week where we abuse our gods- because it didn't stopped rapes of little girl. This is to show the epicurean paradox. I have much more plans to add more philosophical and scientific connundrums of religion.
HELP: I need help in processing texts. There is so much text to read. Ofcourse i can use AI but I want people who were raised hindu and later became atheist/human, because they know first hand what it is like, so there will be more creative ideas.
If you are interested DM me. Let's get in with this. I am a comedian and satirist and graphic designer. Hoping to leverage all of your skills too to cut iron with iron- or spaghetti