What do you teach your kids?

My boyfriend and I got into a disagreement about how we would raise our (hypothetical) kids. I’m definitely atheist while he identifies with spirituality since it is a part of his culture.

However, we are both anti-religion, but he does find merits in some Christian teachings.

I told him I wanted my children to be atheist too. I mean, Christians raise their kids as Christians and don’t get opposition about it, why can’t I raise my kids to be atheist?

He told me he didn’t want to steer them in any one direction, but if they had questions as things came up, he would answer them as best as he could. He emphasized that he cared more about self-exploration than about indoctrination.

Context: I’m a former ex-Christian, indoctrinated from birth and didn’t leave until College. He was never religious, but spirituality was pretty important in life.

Is it so bad to raise my children to be unequivocally atheist? Or do I risk them one day turning into a Christian?