Aquarius men
Does anyone have any experience with Aquarius men?
I'm an Aquarius woman and I swore I'd never even give them the time of day (I have two Aquarius brothers) because I hate how aloof, independent and just weird they are, but I've talked to 3 Aquarius men in the last month and they're all really sweet and bold, and I have a big crush on one. He's so sweet, and we just get each other and laugh and there are no weird games. We talk consistently everyday. We also both have Capricorn Venus.
Anyone have positive experiences/relationships with one? I want a warm, loving, and affectionate partner who isn't obsessed with space and acts like a roommate. Are they capable of this?
I don't fit the stereotype or more known traits of my sign either. I'm not unemotional or detached in any sense.