what do you think of these 3 signs living together...

I have two best friends (who happened to end up falling in love and getting married) and we're all currently struggling to get by in today's economy. I live on my own and I'm barely able to afford to eat, so recently my two best friends offered for me to start living with them.

I'm all in for financial reasons but, real talk, I need to know if our sun signs are compatible for actually living together. I'm a virgo, she's a scorpio, and he's a leo. For reference, even though we are best friends, we're ADULT best friends, which means we aren't actually around each other enough to know if we'd butt heads on a more frequent basis.

Because of how much we have to work, I truly only hang with them 2 to 4 times a month, so I'm a little weary. We're all nearing 30, so I think we're mature enough to handle it, but I'm still curious what the general consensus is 👀

edit; jealousy is not an issue whatsoever. I would never do anything to sabotage them as a couple, I literally want them to last till the end of time. Guys and girls CAN be friends, believe it or not 😓😓