Most common "beefs" between two signs

Based on really broad observations of general energies - if you disagree or if you feel like I'm missing some, please share!

  1. Cancer and Aquarius: I feel like these two could not be more diatrimetically opposed despite not actually being polarities, and this often translates into a oil-and-water dynamic.
  2. Aries and Capricorn: I've said this many times on here, this feels pretty one-sided: Aries will throw the first jab at Capricorn, but Capricorn will be like "who are you again"? (as they are with most people).
  3. Aries and Virgo: Similar to above, I think these two just operate very differently (living in the moment vs. dreading how unprepared they may be).
  4. Gemini and Scorpio: Maybe it's the clownery of Gemini which gets on Scorpio's nerves? Both can have deep, penetrating minds but expressed in highly disparate ways.
  5. Leo and Scorpio: This one kind of makes sense to me, both have Main Character Energy but while Leo openly embraces it, Scorpio plays it cool. It often feels like neither is willing to compromise the spotlight.
  6. Taurus and Sagittarius: Immovable object vs. fly-by-night. Oddly enough, I also see these two pair up not too infrequently.