Really thinking about buying two of this bad boys as a start for my guard army.
It's been a long time since I've wanted to strat an Imperial Guard army, but didn't have. Ajob since recentlly so that made it quite dificult since as I understand they are one of the most expensive armys.
Fortunatelly I've manage to get a job and I'm thinking of buying myself a couple of cadian boxes as a late Xmas gift for myself.
The thing is, are they a good option to buy 2 of them ? Or what would you recomend as a strong start ?
Also, I know that the krieg box is suposed to lunch this genuary, but I've seen it comes with quite a bit of cavallry nad that's not really for me, not now at least.
It's been a long time since I've wanted to strat an Imperial Guard army, but didn't have. Ajob since recentlly so that made it quite dificult since as I understand they are one of the most expensive armys.
Fortunatelly I've manage to get a job and I'm thinking of buying myself a couple of cadian boxes as a late Xmas gift for myself.
The thing is, are they a good option to buy 2 of them ? Or what would you recomend as a strong start ?
Also, I know that the krieg box is suposed to lunch this genuary, but I've seen it comes with quite a bit of cavallry nad that's not really for me, not now at least.