GF wants to end relationship our the blue again
Hi, I've (37M) been seeing a girl (38F) with high-level autism and quiet BPD for about 6 months now, which we've agreed to keep slow (to allow her autism to process things alone). There have been two previous occasions where she wanted to end the relationship out of nowhere and I have explained that I would be willing to accomodate what she needs and work around her conditions. We then continued the relationship, seemingly both happy and glad we learned a bit more about each other.
I've had a rough week which I've been explaining to her, she has tonight once again said we should stop seeing each other. Rather than discussing and fighting for the relationship, I asked if we can talk about this another time due to my low mood, she said fine but she was resolute in her decision.
Seeking advice from others who have dated partners with BPD/autism and wondering whether this is usual and something I should expect regularly if I continue this relationship? Thanks
UPDTATE: We had an honest and frank conversation over the phone (her choice) and decided to end our relationship mutually. She felt we weren't communicating effectively and she admitted she was a anxious avoidant type and that didn't really gel with my anxious attachment style. I asked her if she felt if her BPD/autism played a part in how she'd been approaching our relationship but she felt it didn't (Im not sure I agree with this). I feel sad that it's over and still very much care for her but I think this is the right decision.