Was the death of Jamie White from Infowars real or was it just a false flag operation?
I haven't seen any proof of this at all. I think this is just a falseflag made up by the media to convince people guns are the problem. Why did he post 4 hours ago? Why wasn't his death announced when it first happened? This just doesn't add up. I smell something fishy, I doubt this is real. His family needs to come out and prove it was real. Anyone on social media who says this is real is probably a paid crisis actor or a bot.
I haven't seen any proof of this at all. I think this is just a falseflag made up by the media to convince people guns are the problem. Why did he post 4 hours ago? Why wasn't his death announced when it first happened? This just doesn't add up. I smell something fishy, I doubt this is real. His family needs to come out and prove it was real. Anyone on social media who says this is real is probably a paid crisis actor or a bot.