How do you keep on doing analytic philosophy?

So I’m a recent grad from one of the highest ranked philosophy departments in the US. The program I graduated from was almost entirely analytic. I lived through four years of people denigrating the continental philosophers as worthless charlatans (or artists — implied to be just as worthless as charlatans). But whenever I look at analytic philosophy, I see very little that isn’t totally detached from concerns that living, breathing people have. Modality, logic, theories of language, Parfitt’s so-called “moral mathematics,” and the abstract intellectual game of coming up with ever more obtuse thought experiments, none of which seem to go anywhere — it just seems like we exist on such a high level of abstraction and such fragmentation of philosophical questions that most of what we do doesn’t have any relevance to anybody, and most people take pride in the fact that their work is irrelevant (because it is too rigorous for ordinary people to understand). Why do you do analytic philosophy?

Edit: Just to clarify, I don’t think philosophy has to be “useful” in an economic way, or help people produce something. Kierkegaard’s work is relevant to human life but he didn’t build a car. I just want something that’s relevant to human life. It doesn’t have to be economic life that it is relevant to. (But I understand why people immediately think that’s what I mean because the humanities are under attack).