Struggling with feeling used?

So us gays are definitely sexually liberated, but I really don’t know how much I can deal with casual sex culture and how it’s the norm. I stopped going on Grindr hookups because I’d just end up feeling sad and empty afterwards. I’d always be the one to give guys my number and they never end up reaching out, even if I said I wanted to be friends with them or we had a cool chat. I always hate the tried and true post-nut “how can I get him out of my apartment asap,” and the way the vibe shifts after they get off.

I’ve had friends who will call me hot, flirt with me, and hook up w me, saying that it’ll just be a small thing between friends and I won’t get treated any differently, only for them to then just act cold or distant towards me. I never mind indulging them, but it just feels bad after. Or, alternatively, I’ll make friends, be excited for them, and it turns out they just want to hook up with me, but have no interest in dating me, and they pull back.

I don’t have any hangups about sex, nor am I ashamed of being gay.