My bi boyfriend is making me hate sex

Not a question, sorry. But I really needed to rant somewhere..

So my current boyfriend (I’ve been with him for 9 months now) keeps comparing our sex to the sex he had with his ex girlfriend and it’s really taking a toll on me. He complains about how we can’t be spontaneous, how there are accidents, me not being able to go every day, it not feeling as good as straight sex etc. And I know he’s right but I can’t do anything about it. Trust me that I’d rather have a vagina to make him happy.

I really don’t get why is he like this because outside of this, he’s perfect. He’s the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. And I don’t really want to lose him. I’m lost

Edit: I never had the intention to shit on bi men. It never even crossed my mind. I shouldn’t have called this post “My bi boyfriend”. That’s my bad, sorry.