Craziest thing a guy has done after fucking?

I think the craziest thing a guy has done after having fucking is tweeting a picture of his hole.

So, I'm a top. He was a bottom. Before we met, I saw he had a twitter account linked to his grindr. Of course it was filled with badly taken low quality nudes. We met, fucked hard. Afterward, I checked his twitter. To see he posted a photo of his gaping hole (my dick's handiwork lol). Ngl, it was rather opened. I was genuinely surprised I was able to do that to a guy. And that he wanted to actually capture that moment. The caption said "was just gaped, who wants seconds?" I was honestly, aghast. I've never once in my life thought someone would post a photo of how open I left their butthole.

What are your crazy stories?

Edit: These stories are why aliens don't talk to us. lol.