Moms ashes mixed with someone else
Just got a call from the funeral home and they said that my mothers ashes were accidentally mixed with someone else's and that they can not tell them apart. He said this happens every once in a while and that both families agree to split 50. 50.
I want to know how true that is, that it happens every once in a while . And should I seek legal counsel. I am distraught and angry. I now have to tell my siblings and my grandmother what happened... I even debate telling them at all. My mother passed from a hard fight with pancreatic cancer and her death was not taken lightly.
I just want some opinions on how I should go about this.
*Update 3/2/25 - the director of operations called today and said he was still trying to get a hold of the other family. He is still investigating exactly what happened. But he says due to misplaced paperwork, my mom's ashes were co mingled with someone else. We have a service on Tuesday and I'm not sure what I'm going to tell my family if anything. I've always been good at keeping secrets and bluffing my way out of things, I think I will have to carry this to my grave.
I will come back here Monday and update yall when I know more.
Also is this the best way to update this post or should I make a new post or do it in the comments?