Am I too evil for this?

So basically, My girl friend cheated on me and she didn't tell me.

She kissed some guy (Well, She took 1 year into the relationship to kiss me and kissed me for the first time 3 months ago. And this guy is her friend from 6-8 months, I don't know exactly. Clearly it doesn't add up to me)

S*x in not the only form of cheating so save your time before you tell me it's just a kiss.

I am out of town and it's my friends birthday (she's her friend too but they met thru me)

How I found out? This guy put up a snap story with her, holding each other... It was not so physical but it was physical enough to make me uncomfortable. So I decided to talk to to her about it when I came back.

But, We have this group where we share all our photos from our parties, trips, rides etc and the girl who hosted the party shared all the photos from her mobile and so did everyone else.

I was going thru them and found a group photo where these both are missing. Only these two and it kind of threw me off but I moved on to other photos with in a second... and then came this other photo where my friend clicked with two of her guy friends who don't know and I was seeing who they are. On the top right corner of that photo behind the tall guy was them both kissing each other, It's just a peck kinda kiss, It's a full on kiss with her hands on his head.

It kinda broke my heart and I didn't know what to do.

I came back and acted everything was alright. Saved all the evidence collected more photos which pointed towards what I have seen like them in that specific space in other photos, holding the same food and drinks, with same dresses and all etc.

I spoke to everyone around them in that pic and they confirmed it indirectly trying to not hurt me. After two more days of conversations, They came out saying them dropping those pics is actually intentional to show me how she is cause they were not ready to have fight with me over someone like her but the thing is... she grew up in our circle so we know everything about her, she's not someone to do such a thing and never had any thing of that sort in her past.

I understood everything and I spoke to the guy... I asked him and he was honest, He said he liked her and he wanted to be with her from the start and he even told her that. She seems to have denied and told him about us but didn't cut him off. He was after her ever since and I did notice it before and brought it to her notice but she brushed it of saying no he's not it's okay even if he is cause I am in no way interested in him, You have nothing to worry etc. By this point I was done and I asked him for a favor. I asked him not to tell her about this conversation and she'll eventually be yours. He agreed. I did so cause I just wanted to confront her. I didn't even hate her... something in broke so hard that I became indifferent to her.

I did confront and asked about it the very next day. I asked did anything happen at the party that you want to tell me, she said nothing. I put up all the photos and evidence in front of her. She saw and tried to cook up something but broke after a while cause she understood she's caught red handed. I said it was okay, You like him... you had a moment, I can understand, I have no worries. I am done with you and you can go ahead with him. She still tried put up the act with crying and all but I just left.

She called me and texted me. I didn't block her or anything, we were friends before were in a relationship so I was okay with talking to her cause I am dead man anyway, I have nothing left for her. we spoke. She said she loves me and she wants to be with me she doesn't want him etc (A million other things about why she wants to be with me). I said, No.

Which is when she started love bombing me every day with messages, calls, constant attention, trying to be with me 24/7 "as a friend"... which reminded me of myself when I was trying to get her and some thing in me woke up.

I got an idea, I spoke to her about what she's trying to do with all this and she tried to act like some saint... dying for love kinda bullshit. As I was in her place once I know how hard it is to maintain such efforts through out a relationship. So I told her I can be with you but I don't love you anymore... She was all okay with it.

The thing is, after one year I am leaving this place and she'll also be somewhere else and I have told her "Make no mistake! I don't love you, we ain't getting married or anything, This is not even casual relationship, Since you like me I can just entertain you while I am here for the next one year... You can move on anytime you want"

She said okay and we were "back" if you can call it but this is the messed up part... If she stops any of those efforts from the love bombing phase, I am not meeting her, I am not being "nice" with her, I am being completely distant and she'll be back to the "love bombing". I have kind of indirectly trained her to be constantly at such efforts. ngl, it is kind of fun to have her like that.

You know what that does to a person? I know... cause I have been thru it for her... you'll loose your friends, your hobbies, your time for your career and family, your whole schedule gets f'ed up to base it around another person.

I know very well what I am doing, I told her she ain't getting anything out of this, I have no feeling s left for her... I am just enjoying the "attention" and having fun like she did during our relationship.

Why I am asking this now? She kind of indirectly offered herself up to me to show that "she's here to stay". Well, I know it doesn't mean shit after what we have been thru... it can be some new friend she's known for a week next time. But a thought crossed me when this happened, I am being to cruel? should I just cut her off? cause I ain't getting any feelings for her again and she ain't stopping harassing me even if stopped talking to her so my only option is either to continue with this arrangement or cut her off and block her everywhere.

My mind says have fun... but i kinda feel guilty cause I can't do to her what she did to me like making the worth of her efforts 0. Am I being to cruel?