do people really care about mrt priority seats?
currently 8 months pregnant with a pretty obvious bump, but i realized that people in mrt dont really give a shit because im still pushed and squeezed around. i’m not that entitled to demand for a seat during peak hours, though my journey is usually 15 stops, and i just stand throughout. but i have encountered a few instances that felt pretty unfair.
this was off-peak, and i was sitting in a normal seat while a youngster was in the priority seat using his phone. then this old granny (the slouchy back kind) came in, and the youngster didn’t give up his seat. she stood in front of me and asked if i could give up my seat, so i did. she was embarrassed when she saw me stand up with a bump, but i told her to just sit la.
had a few times where i was sitting in a priority seat, and similar preggo ladies or old aunties asked if i could give up my seat. when i stood up with the bump, they were paiseh and asked me to sit back down, while the opposite row had a mid-30s guy just sitting there watching a movie on his phone.
edit: i think people are missing the point - sure, if i need the seat i will ask for it. the point is people at the priority seats dont give up seats to people who needs and ASKED for it (like elderlies and other pregnant ladies) or just act like they didnt see them resulting them to ask from someone who is seating at a normal seat? are you/they so oblivious to not see especially if you are seating at the priority seat?
would be nice to see a response for this instead 😌