Mcdonalds survey

So i was at mcdonalds when one of the managers(wearing yellow) approached me and asked if I had the mcdonalds app to do the survey. I said yes and expected her to help me get to the survey place then let me do the survey but instead she took my phone and started putting the 'best' options for everything then submitted. 2 Questions 1. Is this normal for mcdonalds/any other dining places? 2. Doesn't it seem abit 'scummy' to do this?

Edit: some confusion about her taking my phone, I let her take it bcs she asked if I could do the survey so she could help me get to the page, but didnt expect her to do the survey for me. Im not too bothered that she took it just surprised and confused that she took it. Also those that want me to report her i think its not that big of a deal to risk someone elses job for something like this