Please help my Dad. Need any advice.
This is gonna be long post. I hope You can spend some time to read it.
I am the son of a 51-year-old man. I see him suffering and I try to help him as much as I can. I'm looking for any advice regarding his condition that might help. Any alternative treatment anywhere in the world. We're not poor people, so I assume we could try traveling and seeking help. I think his health situation is difficult and unusual. I usually see him when he's just in pain. He had episodes of heart blockage at night, when the heart beat too fast and blocked.
I received his doctor's visit paperwork and I assume all information about his condition is here (bottom). But I translated it from Polish, so I don't know if everything is clear to you. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. GOD BLESS YOU <3
A 47-year-old patient with AV conduction disorders that appeared after ablation of WPW syndrome 15 years ago - the procedure was performed twice.
Currently, there are episodes of proximal block, of the Wenckebach period type, and 2:1 block, mainly at night. Minimum VR 29/min, maximum pauses only at night - the longest 2.7 sec.
The patient had no fainting or loss of consciousness.
He feels an uneven heartbeat, mainly at rest - Wenckebach's periodical.
ECG from 2017 - RZM 65/min, intraventricular conduction disorders
In the Holter study - 3 days - average VR 74/min, during VR activity up to 134/min - conduction 1:1
The patient has now been referred for an echocardiogram.
The patient is to provide full documentation of the ablation procedures and subsequent Holter tests in order to determine the need for pacemaker implantation at the current stage.
Moreover, in the interviews, hypertension was treated with Karbis 12 mg/day
Physical examination:
The general condition was good, the patient had no symptoms of cyanosis and no peripheral edema. Mobility in the lower limbs is preserved, the thyroid gland is not enlarged.
There is a symmetrical, normal vesicular murmur over the lungs, regular heart rate, sounds with normal accentuation, without additional sounds or pathological murmurs.
RR 140/80 mmHg, HR approximately 65/min.
2nd degree AV block, proximal