Why were so many historically notable people huge assholes?

And I’m not talking about politicians since being an asshole is a pre requisite. But the more I read into the personalities of enormously successful and famous individuals, the more I realize just how common this pattern is.

Gauss, arguably the greatest mathematician of all time, was absurdly arrogant and irritable. This is a common pattern among famous mathematicians.

Michael Debakey, arguably the greatest surgeon ever, was known to be incredibly arrogant and narcissistic, and the same goes for most other famous surgeons, even if not as much as Debakey.

Both Mozart and Beethoven are said to have been arrogant, irritable and not easy to get along with.

Van Gogh was known to be an unpleasant person, and Picasso is notorious for the bad things he’s done.

Most corporate successful people are douchebags, same goes for famous investors and businessmen.

I know there is some sort of confirmation bias going on with me, but there is undoubtedly a pattern.