I don't understand Yoru defenders

We've seen Yoru's manipulation to Denji in the latest chapter.

However, I still don't understand people who would go out of their way to defend Yoru, saying how she "doesn't want him to die or be turned into a weapon", how "she cares about him", and how "she likes him".

Yoru's a dumbass who doesn't understand herself and her own "emotions", but can manipulate Denji without issue. The reason why she "doesn't want him to die", why she "cares about him" and why she "likes him" are because of Asa's emotions influencing her. Yoru's just taking those emotions and bastardizing them in her twisted ways.

Everything Yoru did in the previous chapter and this one is to play with Denji. She said it herself that she'll play with him! Her deal to avoid him getting turned into a weapon? Asa's emotions. Her deal to have sex with him? Obvious manipulation. Even if she, hopefully not, goes along with it, it's to benefit herself at Asa's expense. Her cooking for him? Manipulation again. She even bullied him and made fun of him at the beginning of the chapter! Why did she want to see him cry and then make out with him? Half of it is Asa's emotions, half of it is because she wants to see him miserable, feel pity because of Asa's emotions, and then make him more miserable only for the cycle to repeat. She even mentioned how she wants to "cheer him up". And yet again, it's Asa's emotions coming into play, and Yoru wanting to cheer him up so she can make him miserable again.

Yoru's evil and twisted in general, towards Denji and towards Asa. This chapter just proved that fact that should have been already known by now. And she's being like this towards Denji (and Asa) through her bastardization of Asa's emotions, for the sake of her amusement at the cost of whatever's left of Denji's "dignity" and at the cost of Asa's mind and well-being. The stronger a Devil is, the smarter and more cunning they are, and as stupid Yoru is, she's still a master in manipulation and being an evil piece of shit. Which proves my point: she's a strong Devil, she's more cunning and manipulative.

Yoru defenders never fail to baffle me with the lengths they'll got to downvote any criticism towards Yoru's obvious manipulation and defend an evil piece of dogshit. And then they claim the criticism as "an inability to have basic reading comprehension", when they themselves do not, while they go out of their way to defend an literal villain for manipulating the main character. Good for them, I guess.

It's like Asa said: "Yoru's a Devil.". And Yoru was, is, and always will be a Devil. Just like a curse is a curse and always will be one.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.