Got chewed out by a DIV CSM during PT
I'm a crusty old PLT Sgt. Most Monday's I take my platoon on a long slow boring run. I enjoy it, I know they don't, but a lot of them really need it. I got a low morale vibe this morning so I thought I'd give them a break and let section Sgts lead their own creative cardio sessions instead. So my PL and I went for a run while the rest of the PLT went and did their thing.
I run with my phone in my hand. My main reason is to track my runs, but I also frequently have Soldiers on the road supporting ranges during this time so it's good to know if something goes wrong. This morning I had two vehicles out supporting. I must point out that the local policies clearly state that squad leaders and above can have a phone on their person during PT for exactly my reasons.
Halfway through the run I hear someone yell "you can run faster without a phone in your hand!" I glance over and can't make out who it is, but I smile and nod and continue on my way. Then he says "you know, there's a policy about having phones on you during PT!"
I replied with "I know, I read it..."
He immediately spins around and runs towards me at the same time that I recognize who he is. "Okay, so what does the policy say?"
"Squad leaders and above can have phones on them during PT. I'm a PLT Sgt, this is my PL" In the back of my mind, I almost me thought that this might be the end of the interaction.
He paused briefly, then "well where the hell are your Soldiers?"
"I've got them doing section PT this morning CSM."
"What does the reg say about doing PT on your own?" I wanted to answer because I was pretty sure I knew. I'm sure it says key leaders can conduct individual pt in order to move around and monitor their Soldiers. But it was becoming clear I wasn't going to win. "What if I told the CG that a PL is out here without their Soldiers? What if I'm the DIV CSM and I'm asking you where your Soldiers are? You should be inspiring and leading Soldiers right now, but instead you're doing what YOU want to do. Now go find your platoon."
"Roger, CSM." I quickly turned around and started running back. I was thankful he didn't ask for my name or unit. I've been chewed out way worse, no big deal I'll just brush it off. But about 30 seconds later he came running past me again.
"Wouldn't the Army be a great place if people actually did some leading?" He yelled in my face as he ran past. Btw, this is on a very crowded street, many people were well aware of what was going on.
That's the point that really stuck with me. Like I said, I've been chewed out for some really stupid stuff but this just really hit me hard. I don't claim to be some kind of rockstar NCO, but I do my job, I'm actually here every day in front of my Soldiers (not a lot of senior NCOs I know that do that), I don't have any profiles, and I legitimately work hard to set a good example for my Soldiers. This guy doesn't know any of that, but why would he jump straight to "you're a shitbag" when he was calling me out for what turned out to be completely authorized? Also, if he's concerned with me conducting pt without my couple dozen Soldiers, where are the thousands of his? He could have picked any platoon, company, battalion to do pt with. But he chose to have a nice relaxing Monday run with a few co-workers just like me.
I know I'm overthinking this. I'll get over it just like every other time. Just wanted to rant.
I never understood the whole ordering thing, so just a Mexican pizza if there's any left.